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AustraliaA man is still in custody after being accused of killing his...

A man is still in custody after being accused of killing his mother in a house fire in NSW

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ

Following an allegedly intentional house fire in a rural area of New South Wales, a man will stay in jail on murder charges related to the death of his mother.

After what appeared to be an arson attack on her property, Nerol Doble, 65, was discovered with significant burns at her Bribbaree home, which is located 50 miles to the northwest of Young, yesterday afternoon.

She passed away at 3 a.m. today after receiving emergency care at the scene and being transported by air to Royal North Shore Hospital in Sydney.

Nerol relocated to the area a year ago after selling her Portland house to pay off debt and start enjoying retirement.

Shannon Doble, her 42-year-old son, was taken into custody at the Parkes police station.

He faced charges of murder resulting from domestic violence, assault causing actual bodily harm, and causing wounded or serious bodily harm to another person with the intent to murder.

Additionally, he was accused of causing property damage exceeding $15,000 through fire or explosion.

Shannon Doble appeared in court today and was not granted bail.

In March, he will appear in court again.

This morning, investigators returned to the area where Nerol had been placed in an outdoor bathtub by neighbors in an attempt to save her life.

Shannon Doble, it is understood, moved into the converted bus on the site to assist his mother with renovations.

“LOVED by all her family” is how Nerol has been remembered.

Her relatives said how much they will miss her.

Mayor Margaret Roles of Hilltops stated, “It is a tragedy for everybody, especially a community where violence and trauma such as this isn’t part of our everyday life.”





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