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AustraliaA man was shot and killed in a botched home invasion in...

A man was shot and killed in a botched home invasion in Melbourne

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ

A woman and an intruder were shot dead after a poorly executed home invasion in Melbourne’s north.

During the altercation, a woman at the Donnybrook residence was stabbed with a machete, and her bullet-riddled body was left lying in the driveway of the newly constructed housing development.

Just before 4.30 a.m. this morning, five males brandishing guns and machetes broke into the Middlemount Street residence where a couple was sleeping, according to Victoria Police.

Detective Inspector Graham Banks stated, “There has been a struggle and one of the offenders who entered the house claimed a firearm.”

One unidentified intruder was cut and a 27-year-old lady was slain during the altercation.

“It’s a shocking incident when you look at the fact that the injury sustained by the female was with a machete in her own home,” Banks stated.

Police are aware of the 28-year-old male occupant; he was not hurt.

Homicide detectives were questioning him this afternoon; no charges had been brought against him.

“We’re still trying to establish who’s done what, in what sequence,” Banks stated.

Another man, also shot during the raid, drove himself to the hospital.

It seems possible that the 22-year-old was one of the five trespassers.

Today he was in the Royal Melbourne Hospital having emergency surgery.

Investigators are trying to figure out how he was hurt.

In Doreen, fifteen minutes away, a firearm was found abandoned in a car late this morning.

Bullets that had been discarded were discovered strewn all over various streets in Donnybrook.

People here claim to be “scared”.

“This time, we’re overly afraid. We have a tiny toddler in our home,” a neighbour remarked.

Police tried to reassure the young families that this was a targeted attack even if they described it as a terrifying house invasion.

“It’s far too early to establish what the actual motive is and we’re seeking to identify all the parties involved,” Banks stated.





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