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AustraliaIn an alleged heroin trafficking ring bust, four people are detained and...

In an alleged heroin trafficking ring bust, four people are detained and numerous others are prosecuted

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ

Victims of an alleged heroin trafficking network have been the subject of four arrests and the seizure of drugs by Victoria Police.

A replica gun, cell phones, and “quantities” of heroin, methamphetamine, cannabis, and methadone were reportedly discovered by police on Friday during the search of a house on Corrigan Road in Noble Park.

Four males were taken into custody and given many charges.

A 53-year-old man is accused of possessing an imitation handgun and committing offenses related to drugs.

Drug-related offenses have been brought against a 40-year-old man.

They will both appear in Dandenong Magistrates’ Court on May 15 after being granted bail.

A 37-year-old man received a drug diversion, and a 40-year-old man was released on a summons on the charge of possessing cannabis.

After being detained at the home, a 54-year-old man was released without being charged.

The arrests were made in the course of looking into a possible Greater Dandenong heroin trafficking operation.

There have been forty arrests by the police, 25 of which came during a two-day operation in Springvale on December 22.

The accusations included handling stolen goods, possessing heroin and methylamphetamine, and having other open warrants.

“We are aware that drug overdoses and other crimes in the area are closely linked to the use of illicit substances,” stated Detective Senior Sergeant Jarrod Dwyer of the Springvale Divisional Response Unit.

The removal of harmful narcotics from the streets is Victoria Police’s top priority.

“While there has already been a significant number of arrests relating to the heroin market in Dandenong and Springvale over the past few weeks, we will continue to do everything possible to disrupt the flow of illicit drugs in our local community.”

Twelve more people were taken into custody on Monday, January 1st, and Tuesday, January 2nd. They were accused of a number of offenses, such as drug-related offenses, assaulting a police officer, and reckless driving.





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