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AustraliaWhile rowing 4800 kilometers for a veterans charity, a former Australian spy...

While rowing 4800 kilometers for a veterans charity, a former Australian spy passes away

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ

A former Australian spy lost his life while participating in an Atlantic rowing event spanning 4800 kilometers.

The World’s Toughest Rowing competition organizers revealed on social media that Alisdair Putt passed away on January 4 due to a cardiac-related incident while competing.

Putt led the four-person Aussie Old Salts team, which participated in the tournament to generate funds for Australian veterans transitioning from the armed forces to the civilian world.

Worlds Toughest Row acknowledged in a statement, “It is with deep sadness that we must convey the news of Alisdair Putt’s passing – Skipper of the four-person team, Aussie Old Salts.”

“The crew’s constant efforts to revive the victim were unsuccessful.

“We will continue to support everyone involved and maintain constant communication with the crew, all emergency contacts, and the participating Marine Rescue Coordination Centers.”

“The crew are now safely onboard a vessel heading for land.”

In the race, the team was the only Australian squad competing. 

The contest acknowledged that word has reached his family, who have requested “understanding and support in respecting their privacy during this period of mourning.”

“Our most sincere condolences are wholeheartedly offered to the families, friends and supporters of the Putt family, and the whole of the Aussie Old Salts team.”

Putt revealed to the Sydney Morning Herald in October 2022 that the six-week period will coincide with his 62nd birthday.

He told the Sydney Morning Herald that while the task would be difficult, it was “important” to support Indigenous women in the Kimberley area and “assist veterans… who [have] suffered PTSD like so many military personnel.”

The Aussie Salts were collecting money for the women’s and children’s shelter run by the Gawooleng Yawoodeng Aboriginal Corporation in Kununurra, as well as the veterans’ Rest and Restoration Center in West Australia.

Putt practised international war crimes law and was a former agent of ASIO. 

Teams and lone rowers compete in the World’s Toughest Row, an Atlantic-wide race that begins in San Sebastian, De La Gomera, and ends 4800 kilometers later in Nelson’s Dockyard in Antigua.

Each rower will have done more than 1.5 million oar strokes by the end of the race.





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