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AustraliaAustralian opener David Warner declares his retirement from the ODIs

Australian opener David Warner declares his retirement from the ODIs

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ

David Warner, an opener for Australia, has declared his retirement from one-day international cricket.

In addition to retiring from Test cricket at the end of this week’s Sydney Test, the 37-year-old has also made the decision to give up the 50-over game after a dazzling career.

Prior to the match against Pakistan on Monday morning, Warner revealed the information at a press conference in Sydney.

“Also on the back of that… I’m definitely retiring from one-day cricket as well,” he added.

“It’s something I had mentioned during the World Cup—winning it in India is a huge accomplishment.

“I’ve decided to step away from those forms today, which gives me time to participate in some other competitions across the globe and help the one-day team get off to a little start.

I am aware that the Champions Trophy is approaching. If I’m still playing well in two years, I’ll be here to help if needed.”

For more than ten years, Warner has been a mainstay in the ODI lineup, amassing just under 7000 runs at an average of 45.30 and smashing 22 hundreds while wearing the green and gold uniform.

Australia’s World Cup triumphs in 2015 and 2023 featured the left-hander, who was regarded by head coach Andrew McDonald as the best all-around player in the history of the game.

Despite the contentious nature of Warner’s departure, Australian legend Ian Chappell told WWOS that the decision shouldn’t come as a surprise and that it’s the right way to go out.

He replied, “No, I wasn’t really surprised.”

David has made many wise decisions over his career, and although I disagreed with him announcing his retirement to the public, that is a personal decision. It seems like a fitting manner for him to leave the SCG.

“The most crucial factor is that the time is ideal. Retiring is a self-serving decision that you make for no one else but yourself.

“I assume David has decided that the best course of action is to leave since he can’t give it what he wants to and he doesn’t want to put himself through that anymore.

“To be able to get out when you want to and not when the selectors decide you’re gone, is a good thing … there’s no surprises there.”

Warner intends to persist in his Twenty20 cricket matches worldwide.





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