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AustraliaIn Christmas messages, politicians applaud frontline workers and observe that Australians are...

In Christmas messages, politicians applaud frontline workers and observe that Australians are “doing it tough”

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ

For many Australians, the year has been difficult due to natural calamities and growing expenditures.

In their yearly Christmas speeches today, the country’s political leaders expressed gratitude to frontline employees who labour through the holiday in a solemn manner.

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese wished “a happy and joyous Christmas and a safe one” to all Australians.

“We would like to thank everyone who is giving up their Christmas to help others.

“Our emergency personnel and Australian Defence Force members, whether here or overseas, our medical workers our hospitality and those who give up for others through charities.”

While cleaning up after the terrible floods in Far North Queensland, he observed that “many Australians are doing it tough” and said that they “are in our thoughts.”

Peter Dutton, the leader of the opposition, also praised the job done by individuals who worked over Christmas.

The leaders remembered individuals who had perished in accidents this year.

A Sea World helicopter tragedy on the Gold Coast claimed four life, while a wedding bus crash in the NSW Hunter Valley took ten lives.

Four Australian Defence Force airmen were killed when a military chopper went down in the Whitsundays seven months later.

“We’re thinking of those families who lost loved ones in tragedies this year,” Dutton stated.

Dutton also mentioned the cost of living in the face of historically high price and interest rate increases.
“There are a lot of families across the country who are doing it tough this Christmas,” he stated.

Political harm to the prime minister has come from pressures related to the cost of living and the Voice referendum’s significant defeat.

He has made hints that he may introduce new measures to help struggling households in the run-up to the budget.





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