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AustraliaAfter a three-passenger highway crash in Gunnedah, a man is charged

After a three-passenger highway crash in Gunnedah, a man is charged

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ

Following a single-vehicle collision near Gunnedah, New South Wales, that claimed the lives of three occupants in the car the 27-year-old man was driving, he was charged today with hazardous and negligent driving offences.

On Wednesday at 6:30 a.m., emergency personnel were summoned to the wreckage of a silver Holden Commodore on the Kamilaroi Highway, close to Curlewis, approximately 20 km south of Gunnedah.

The three backseat passengers, who have not yet been officially recognised, passed away at the site.

The woman in the front passenger seat, age 25, was airlifted to John Hunter Hospital, while the driver was hospitalised for injuries to his arm and chest.

After the rural crash, investigators set up a crime scene without delay.

The car’s wreckage was visible off the left side of the road, smashed up among some trees.

The crash claimed the lives of three foreign workers who were employed in Australia.

Two women, ages 24 and 25, and a guy, 27, were among the dead passengers.

Police detained the driver and brought charges against him at Tamworth Police Station after he left the hospital.

Three counts of risky driving resulting in death and one count of negligent driving resulting in death were brought against the driver by the police.

The driver lived in the Tamworth area, according to the police.

Conditional bail was granted to him so that he may appear in Tamworth Local Court on Monday, January 22, 2024.

With the deaths on Wednesday, the state’s 2023 road death toll stands at 352, which is 84 more than it was at this time last year.





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