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AustraliaDuring a narcotics raid in Melbourne's southeast, police make 25 arrests

During a narcotics raid in Melbourne’s southeast, police make 25 arrests

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ

In a two-day police operation aimed at the selling of heroin and other illegal narcotics in Melbourne’s southeast, at least 25 people have been taken into custody.

With the help of local intelligence, police in Springvale CBD launched Operation Halt on Monday. 

Tuesday marked the end of the crackdown, which targeted well-known heroin dealers and their clients.

A 38-year-old male was taken into custody by police during the operation and charged with 11 outstanding warrants.

A 45-year-old man was accused with handling stolen items, stealing, using a regulated weapon, and possessing drugs.

A 28-year-old male was charged with possessing methylamphetamine and violating bail conditions, while a 44-year-old man was accused with possessing and using heroin.

After being accused of possessing heroin, a 34-year-old man was given a move-on directive and a drug diversion order.

Six additional people received move-on orders from the police. 

In addition to apprehending criminals during transactions, Detective Acting Senior Sergeant Matt Davey police stopped numerous narcotics sales.

“By targeting dealers and their clientele, we reduce their criminal activities and prevent a myriad of crimes driven by people with a drug dependence, including robberies and assaults,” he stated.

“Anyone involved in the distribution of illegal narcotics should take note of this: we will hit them where it hurts and stop their supply of buyers.

“Anyone who preys on drug-dependent individuals has no place in our society. Since heroin is a highly hazardous and addictive narcotic, we shall keep up our relentless efforts to remove it off the streets.”





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