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AustraliaMan accused of killing a lady at an Adelaide real estate company...

Man accused of killing a lady at an Adelaide real estate company in a ‘random’ assault

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ

Adelaide’s community was shocked to learn that a stranger at a real estate firm had fatally stabbed a mother of two at random.

Julie Seed, 38, was working at the agency on Lydia Street in Plympton at 3.40 p.m. yesterday when she was reportedly randomly attacked by a guy who had been released from psychiatric treatment two days previously.

After undergoing emergency surgery overnight, Susan Scardigno, her colleague, who was brought to the Royal Adelaide Hospital with significant injuries, is currently in a stable condition.

During the attack, Shaun Michaels Dunk, 30, is said to have had a knife and hammer with him.

One count of murder and one count of attempted murder have been brought against Dunk.

According to Seed’s friend Cathy Black, everyone was still in disbelief over what had happened to the mother of two from Morphett Vale.

“She just found everything that she always wanted,” Black stated.”She has a lovely home, lovely family, and a fiancé. This occurs right after she lands her ideal job.”

According to South Australia Police, Dunk had been aimlessly meandering along the Anzac Highway and adjacent streets prior to the assault.

He is said to have dropped his weapons once it was done and was collected coolly outside the agency.

John Brayley, the state’s top psychiatrist, has initiated an immediate review into Dunk’s release from the Royal Adelaide Hospital in addition to the murder probe.

According to the director of the real estate company, the team consisted entirely of girls and they were close as a family.

Dunk is being held for mental health treatment after making an appearance before the Adelaide Magistrates Court today.





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