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AustraliaCoroner concludes that mother's death was probably "violent"

Coroner concludes that mother’s death was probably “violent”

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ

A coroner has determined that a mother from the Gold Coast who vanished over ten years ago most likely died violently at the hands of her bikie partner.

In January 2012, Tina Louise Greer told people the relationship was over and left to meet Lesley “Grumpy” Sharman on his hinterland property on the Gold Coast, according to an inquest.

Ms. Greer, 32, never came back after leaving her daughter with a friend.
Her remains are still missing. Today, Coroner Kerrie O’Callaghan delivered the results of the inquest into her disappearance and presumed death.

According to O’Callaghan, there was enough proof that Greer had passed away and that Sharman was the one who killed her on January 18, 2012, or thereabouts.

Greer’s car was discovered at the Governors Chair overlook near Spicers Gap, a dead end road that passes Sharman’s residence, a few days after she had departed.

A person of interest in the case, Sharman, 60, passed away in a car accident in late 2018 without ever being taken into custody.

“There is insufficient evidence for me to make findings about where and how Tina died, however it is likely that she did suffer a violent death,” O’Callaghan stated today.

“Tina Greer had been the victim of domestic violence at the hand of Les Sharman and he ultimately took her life.”

Ms. O’Callaghan concluded that Greer’s disappearance was adequately investigated by the police.

According to her, Sharman’s ability to hide evidence and carry out illegal actions covertly is the reason there isn’t enough information about Greer’s death.

The inquest heard that in the days following Greer’s disappearance, Sharman abruptly turned off his cell phone and denied any interaction with the police.

The history of severe physical abuse and control Sharman inflicted on Greer—who moved out from under him and into her own apartment—was also included in the evidence.

The Boonah station officers responded to accusations of domestic violence against Sharman during three separate episodes in 2010, which were the subject of the inquest.

The coroner concluded that the senior constable’s and sergeant’s answers were insufficient, however she refrained from suggesting that the Boonah police station’s officers receive domestic abuse education.

Since then, Queensland Police have improved their handling of domestic abuse cases, and the coroner stated that further training will soon be implemented.

O’Callaghan suggested adding a liaison officer for families during a high-risk missing people investigation to the police operating procedures document.

Additionally, she believed that the Salvation Army Gold Coast’s response to Greer’s allegations of domestic abuse was insufficient.

The coroner expressed her hope that the suggestions will help stop future fatalities under circumstances similar to Greer’s.





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