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AustraliaThe youngster who fell into the waves off Victoria's west coast is...

The youngster who fell into the waves off Victoria’s west coast is still being searched for

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ

A teenage kid who was washed out to sea off Victoria’s west coast Friday night is still being sought after.

Several kilometres of shoreline have been searched by emergency personnel today in an effort to locate the 14-year-old who has gone missing.

Yesterday evening, as the child and his companion were exploring rockpools at Cape Bridgewater, a wave pushed them into the water.

The fifteen-year-old friend was able to cling to a boulder and battle to land, but his companion vanished beneath the surface.

Around 7:30 p.m., the kid set off the alarm, alerting emergency personnel.

Inspector Steve Thompson of Victoria Police stated that search teams were still holding out hope for finding the kid alive.

“Obviously the more time that goes by, we’re becoming more concerned, but at this point in time we’re treating it as a search and rescue,” he stated.

With the support of the Police Air Wing, Water Police, Coast Guard, HEMS ambulance choppers, and Marine Unit boats, Victoria Police had earlier conducted a thorough search. However, at approximately 11.30 p.m. yesterday, the search was halted.

Locals like visiting the blowholes, which has a gravel promenade for viewing the rock formations.

Cape Bridgewater is situated 364 kilometres from Melbourne, close to Portland, and around 65 kilometres from the border with South Australia.

It is thought that the 15-year-old child sustained injuries to his legs and upper body while receiving treatment at Portland Hospital.

The seashore is known for its unpredictability.

“By nature, the ocean and inland waters are unpredictable and this is a reminder to us all,” Thompson stated.





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