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AustraliaWoman found dead in Canberra Zoo prompts man to be arrested

Woman found dead in Canberra Zoo prompts man to be arrested

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ

In a busy Canberra zoo, a woman was discovered dead in the commercial kitchen.

Following reports of a disturbance, emergency personnel were called to the National Zoo and Aquarium in the west of Canberra around 12:50 p.m.

The 29-year-old lady was discovered with stab wounds in the pantry at the rear of the kitchen, according to the police.

After being detained, a 29-year-old guy was taken to the hospital on suspicion of inflicting his own injuries. He is currently being watched over by police.

Police consider the woman and the guy who was detained to be coworkers, according to Detective Superintendent Hall O’Meagher, although they are still looking into potential romantic connections between them.

“We know that they were coworkers at the National Zoo and Aquarium, we’re uncertain at this time whether there’s any further relationship between those coworkers,” he stated today.

“The victim was found to have been fatally stabbed with a knife. A post-mortem study will take place in the next several days to confirm this diagnosis.

“The investigating officers have spoken to the family of the deceased,” Hall stated.

“Our thoughts are with them at this very difficult time.”

There was a knife at the scene.
Sussan Ley, the Shadow Minister for Women and Acting Leader of the Opposition, said in a statement this afternoon that she was “shattered” by the horrific killing.

“In our country’s capital, a young woman was fatally stabbed.” She stated, “A young man is under arrest.”

“This is yet another horrific tragedy which appears to have happened in a workplace.”I feel broken and furious as a woman.”This year, someone they know has already slain almost 60 women. Sufficient.

“A national catastrophe has arisen. This violence must end,” the statement said.
The animal lodge Jamala will close on Tuesday “in respect of all those affected directly or indirectly,” the zoo stated later on Monday.

“The National Zoo and Aquarium experienced a tragic event on Monday involving staff members,” said a statement.

“We will be cancelling tours and encounters for the day, and we anticipate being able to resume operations on Wednesday.

“We kindly ask that guests and visitors acknowledge the severe trauma that staff members have gone through and that they respect their right to privacy regarding this issue.

“All staff members have access to trauma counselling; our thoughts are with the families and those who have been impacted in any way.”

“We thank staff and outsiders who have helped our staff deal with this sad event, along with those who have passed on their thoughts.”

A man who worked at a different zoo restaurant earlier claimed that their boss had notified the crew about the incident.

“Police came in, we had a staff meeting and were told to go home,” he stated.It’s quite startling… I’m in complete shock.” Another female employee exclaimed, “It’s just so bad, it’s really horrible.”

According to O’Meagher, the situation has been confined, and the police don’t think the community is still in danger.





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