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AustraliaThe mother of the victim of the Hunter bus crash is still...

The mother of the victim of the Hunter bus crash is still fighting cancer

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ

The mother of one of the victims of the horrific bus tragedy in the Hunter Valley is carrying on her son’s memory by fighting bowel cancer tomorrow, which will be six months after the incident.

Today is Jacqui Varasdi’s oldest son Zach Bray’s 30th birthday, and that is how she should have celebrated.

When Varasdi was watching breakfast TV nearly six months ago, the news out of the Hunter Valley, which is close to Sydney, surprised and horrified him.

Her greatest worries began to come true when she realised Zach had attended a wedding the previous evening.

“I think it’ll just really sink in that he’s not here on his 30th, up until now it still doesn’t feel 100 per cent real,” said Varasdi.

Bray was in his prime and had everything to live for, just like all the victims of Australia’s deadliest road tragedy in 30 years.

He had already experienced a great deal.

“Zach was very passionate about spreading the word about bowel cancer in young people, which he was diagnosed with when he was 25,” said Varasdi.

“We got through that event, we got through that health event and for this to happen and for him to pass the way he did, it’s not fair.”

In order to carry on his mission of urging other young people to pay attention to any concerning symptoms, Varasdi has decided to tell her experience on Bray’s 30th birthday.

“If Zach hadn’t experienced this, I wouldn’t be speaking with you. His story—which includes the fact that he had colon cancer at the age of 25 and served as an ambassador for the Gut Foundation to raise awareness of the disease—has been brought to light by the fact that he did pass away in this terrible catastrophe, the spokesperson said.

The prevalence of bowel cancer in youth is rising.

Compared to those born in 1950, those born between 1990 and now had a four-fold increased risk of rectal cancer and a doubled chance of colon cancer.

However, more than 90% of cases can be successfully treated if they are detected early.

The Gut Foundation’s Roy Wakelin-King encouraged anyone who was concerned to consult a physician without delay.

“If you experience any symptoms, please visit a doctor. Even if you’re unsure, go see your doctor,” he advised. That’s what Zach’s mother thinks he left behind.





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