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AustraliaAt Red Hill in southeast Melbourne, a fatal car crash leaves one...

At Red Hill in southeast Melbourne, a fatal car crash leaves one man dead and two others wounded

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ

There has been a deadly crash in the Mornington Peninsula, southeast of Melbourne, resulting in one death and two hospitalisations.

About five o’clock on Saturday evening, two cars in the tiny rural village of Red Hill collided.

When authorities got to the scene of the collision on Arthurs Seat Road, they discovered that one car’s passengers had been severely injured.

The male driver had to be taken to the hospital after being found in a bad condition, according to Victoria Police.

The man in the passenger seat, meanwhile, passed away instantly.

The other car’s driver, who was alone, survived the fatal crash without suffering any injuries.

He was admitted to the hospital, according to the police, as a precaution.

The precise cause of the disaster is yet unknown, however an inquiry into the incident is currently underway.

With the man’s passing, Victoria has seen 273 road fatalities so far this year, compared to 229 at this same point last year.





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