18.1 C

AustraliaA police standoff that closed Chapel Street in Melbourne, a man is...

A police standoff that closed Chapel Street in Melbourne, a man is in arrest

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ

After a tense confrontation, police closed down a major business strip in Melbourne and took into custody of a man.

At seven in the morning, Chapel Street in Windsor was sealed down, with businesses closed, roads blocked, and residents told to stay inside.

The individual, who appeared to be in his 20s, was negotiating with heavily armed members of the Special Operations Group from a white vehicle that was parked next to Windsor train station.

Prior to the three-hour standoff on Peel and Albert streets, Victoria Police Inspector Andrew Stamper stated that authorities had received several calls from worried witnesses and a “agitated call” from a male.

Following their negotiations with the suspect, cops shot petrol canisters into the van, shattering windows and resounding with loud fringe.

After being apprehended safely, the suspect was led to a patrol car.

“Police negotiated with the male, he said he had a firearm but, at this stage, we haven’t located a firearm,” Stamper explained.

“We won’t take any chances with community safety.”

The individual was brought to the Prahran police station so that officials could question him.

It is understood that he was treated by paramedics after suffering minor injuries during the arrest.

According to Stamper, the individual started threatening to kill himself and informed the authorities that he was carrying a gun.

“Obviously at this time of morning on Chapel Street, it’s one of the busiest areas in the metropolitan area and our concerns were with the male with a firearm,” he continued.

“We immediately looked to contain that scene, which we did very effectively, but part of that does involve some disruption to the public.”

Sarah, a witness who was travelling from Queensland to the capital, said that everyone in the vicinity found the situation to be horrifying.

“It’s been really mixed emotions, some people are a bit worried because they’re late for work or school, some are sad, some are confused,” she stated.

“I know the police have got this, they’re very trained, they’ve got all the information they need, we’re all going to get through this.”





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