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Australia50-year-old Labor MP Peta Murphy passes away from cancer

50-year-old Labor MP Peta Murphy passes away from cancer

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ

Labor MP Peta Murphy lost her fight with breast cancer and passed away at home in the company of her loved ones.

During a press conference in Canberra on Monday, Prime Minister Anthony Albanese disclosed the passing of the MP for Dunkley.

He spoke of the 50-year-old Victorian, saying, “Everyone in the Labor family is broken-hearted by the death of our beloved Peta Murphy.”

“Peta Murphy was brave, she was courageous, and she was loved.”

She learned that her breast cancer had returned in 2019, two weeks before she was scheduled to be sworn in.

She promised to use her public platform to assist people in her first address.

“Women, examine your breasts. Stop ignore what your body is telling you, men,” she said in front of the legislature.

2011 saw Ms. Murphy’s initial breast cancer diagnosis, right before she and her husband Rod were scheduled to relocate to San Francisco.

Ms. Murphy worked as a Victorian public defender and barrister before joining parliament. She then became the head of staff to current Labor minister Brendan O’Connor.

In parliament and among her constituents, the late MP was highly regarded and revered, according to Mr. Albanese.

“The people Peta represented admired her determination, they respected her passion, and they responded, above all, to her absolute authenticity,” he stated.

“It was always clear just how much Peta cared for her community, her colleagues and our country … right up till last week, she insisted on coming to parliament.”

According to Opposition Leader Peter Dutton, Ms. Murphy “with grace and distinction” served Labor, her constituents, and the Australian people.

“It was impossible not to be impressed by the heartfelt and heroic way she spoke about causes dear to her: bettering the lives of women, children and families,” Mr Dutton said in a press release.

Penny Wong, the foreign minister, honored her colleague in parliament.

“She was loved, she was respected by all of us, greatly admired by her community that she represented with passion and determination even through all her illness,” she stated.

“Peta’s strength was unmatched, and she will be greatly missed by us all.”

Working with Ms. Murphy in the late 1990s, Labor MP Andrew Leigh said she was a worldly curiosity and committed about social justice.

“We need more Peta Murphies in the world,” he declared on the social media site X, which was once known as Twitter.

Adam Bandt, the leader of the Greens, stated that Ms. Murphy was highly esteemed in Victoria, being the first female representative for her seat.

“We’re all poorer without her.”

Zach Smith, the national secretary of the CFMEU, praised her as a worker advocate.

“Peta leaves behind such a strong contribution that it’s hard to believe she was only in parliament for a little over four years,” he stated.





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