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AustraliaKristie McBride: A suspected knife attack leaves a Warrawong mother-of-two dead in...

Kristie McBride: A suspected knife attack leaves a Warrawong mother-of-two dead in the hospital

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ

More than a week after she was allegedly stabbed by teens while attempting to break up a quarrel, a mother from NSW passed away in the hospital.

Following accusations of a fight, Kristie McBride, 39, was discovered on November 22 with stab wounds to her torso close to Wegit Way in Warrawong.

The mother-of-two passed away on Friday, ten days after the alleged attack, despite being taken to the hospital in a severe condition.

Family members of Ms. McBride posted on social media to express shock at her passing and to say she was gone too soon.

One person said, “Such a beautiful soul she was taken early for just trying to help the young ones.”

“I will always cherish the memories we shared,” another person remarked. I’m delighted we had a conversation when I last saw you, which was a few weeks ago.

Peace be with you, dear friend.

A short while later, three young girls, ages 13, 14, and 15, were taken into custody nearby and accused of crimes including affray.

The next day, a fifteen-year-old girl, who was also a teenager, was taken into custody and accused of injuring someone with the intention of causing great bodily damage and affray.

After turning themselves in to police on November 29, two 17-year-old girls and a 37-year-old woman were additionally charged with affray, according to NSW Police, which was disclosed a week later.

Shalee Dach, Ms. McBride’s niece, posted a devastating letter on GoFundMe claiming that she was left fighting for her life after “trying to protect her family.”

“Unfortunately, on Wednesday night, my aunt was attacked by some teenagers and (allegedly) severely stabbed,” stated Ms. Dach.

“She always acts with love and good intentions, and her heart is full of pure goodness. Kristie would stop at nothing to assist individuals in her immediate vicinity, even if they were strangers.





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