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AustraliaPM expresses regret for "one of the darkest chapters in Australia's medical...

PM expresses regret for “one of the darkest chapters in Australia’s medical history” to those who were thalidomide victims

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ

Anthony Albanese, the prime minister, has formally apologized to the people whose lives were affected over 60 years ago by the dangerous medication thalidomide.

In the 1950s and early 1960s, the medication was prescribed to expectant mothers to treat a variety of ailments, such as anxiety, sleeplessness, and morning sickness.

It was discovered that the medicine had resulted in thousands of birth abnormalities, early childhood deaths, and miscarriages after almost ten years of use.

The federal government apologized today to people touched by the drug’s use and admitted that thalidomide had a permanent negative impact on the lives of mothers, families, and children.

“Today, on behalf of the people of Australia, our government and this parliament offers a full, unreserved and overdue apology to all thalidomide survivors, their families, loved ones and carers,” he stated.

“From the moment of your birth, you have been survivors.

This apology encompasses one of the most bleak periods in the medical history of Australia.

“When expectant mothers, through no fault of their own, were exposed to a drug with devastating effects that were realised far too late.”

In order to illustrate the effects of the drug on its victims, the prime minister cited a survivor in his apologies.

“A survivor named Patricia put it like this: thalidomide is like tossing a stone into the water, it causes a ripple effect,” Albanese stated.

“The drug didn’t just destroy me; it rippled onto my parents, my siblings, my family, my ambitions, my relationships, my jobs, my earnings, my health – my everything.”

The previous government established the Australian Thalidomide Survivors Support Program, which Albanese claimed his government will restore.

“A lifetime support package which includes a one-off lump sum payment in recognition of pain and suffering, as well as ongoing annual payments,” he stated.

148 survivors have benefited from our assistance thus far.

“Today, I can confirm our government is re-opening this program to ensure that anyone who may have missed the previous opportunity to apply does not miss out on the support they need and deserve.”

Tomorrow, Mark Butler, the Minister for Health and Aged Care, will unveil a memorial for survivors at Canberra’s Kings Park near Lake Burley Griffin, according to Albanese.

The Thalidomide Trust estimates that the medicine impacted over 10,000 newborns globally.





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