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AustraliaA terrifying international bus crash, a Brisbane couple returns home

A terrifying international bus crash, a Brisbane couple returns home

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ

After a trip overseas, Stephanie and Jason Rowe had no intention of returning to Queensland with a neck brace and sling.

The Brisbane pair, on what was supposed to be their once-in-a-lifetime journey to South America, defied death almost two weeks ago.

Stephanie remarked, “We almost can’t believe that we’re here.”

“It’s been such an ordeal to get home so we’re extremely relieved and happy.”

“We were going on a four-day Amazon tour in Peru,” Jason explained.

“On day one, we figured our driver must have fallen asleep behind the wheel and drove off a cliff.”

The van, according to Stephanie, “spun three times” before it struck two trees and stopped.

“After that, it was just carnage,” she remarked.

Despite being unconscious for about thirty minutes, Jason and the other passengers managed to escape the collision.

The ten passengers clambered up the muddy rock face, receiving assistance from onlookers to reach safety.

However, more pandemonium was to follow in the days that followed.

After the couple made several journeys to hospitals in Peru, where they were unable to receive the critical medical attention they required, I first spoke with them.

Due to a dispute with their travel insurance and the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs, they were left stuck and unable to exit the nation.

The couple claimed that things moved more quickly once their tale was covered by the media.

“The Australian embassy came through for us, and it helped get us home,” Stephanie remarked.

The following day, Stephanie and Jason boarded the first flight out.

The pair has many reasons for gratitude now that they are back in Brisbane.

Stephanie remarked, “We kind of died.”
“To be home and to see the people that we love is a pretty massive one.”





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