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AustraliaA Queensland man passes away at Ipswich Hospital while waiting in an...

A Queensland man passes away at Ipswich Hospital while waiting in an ambulance

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ

After waiting in the back of an ambulance for hours, a grandpa from Queensland passed away.

At 7:30 p.m. on Thursday, Barbara Irving summoned an ambulance to their Coulson home, which is close to Beaudesert, because her husband Wayne was experiencing chest trouble.

After about thirty minutes, paramedics showed up and transported him to Ipswich Hospital, where he had to wait from 9.15 p.m. to 12.15 a.m. to be admitted.

During that period, Mr. Irving had a five-fold increase in discomfort and experienced intermittent unconsciousness.

Mr. Irving experienced cardiac arrest during his transfer down the ramp, and he passed very soon after.

Mrs. Irving expressed her “completely devastated” mood.

“An incredible man has left us,” she remarked.

According to health sources, ambulances sat on ramps at hospitals in south-east Queensland on Thursday night for as long as six hours.

Shannon Fentiman, the health minister, expressed her sympathy to the Irving family “at this tragic time”.

“I have no doubt that his entire community will be feeling this loss,” Fentimen stated.

“Mr. Irving’s death is currently undergoing a thorough clinical assessment, which the coroner will take into account.

“I pledge to carry out the coroner’s and the clinical review’s recommendations.

“I have also asked the director-general of Queensland Health to work with Ipswich Hospital to urgently look at what additional resources are needed for this very busy hospital.”

David Crisafulli, the leader of the opposition, asserted that the government had not prioritised improving the health system.

“They are paying for it with their lives,” he stated.





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