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AustraliaAfter a shark attack off the coast of South Australia, search for...

After a shark attack off the coast of South Australia, search for the surfer’s body

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ

The body of a surfer who is thought to have perished in a shark attack off the coast of a town in South Australia is being searched for.

Around 10.20 a.m. today, reports of an attack off the shore of Granites Beach in Westall Way Loop, close to Streaky Bay, prompted the response of emergency personnel.

There were reportedly six surfers in the ocean, but the 55-year-old man stretched out farther than the others, according to 9News.

The victim was attacked by the shark, leaving him floating till the shark attacked him again, according to a witness on a clifftop.

The shark’s length, according to the witness, was roughly 4.5 metres.

“Eyre and Western Police immediately responded and initiated a search with the assistance of Police Water Operations, PolAir, State Emergency Service (SES) and local volunteers,” the South Australia Police said in a statement.

“The man’s body is yet to be found and the search will continue through to day’s end,” police stated.

Streaky Bay is located on the extreme west coast of the state, almost 700 kilometres from Adelaide.
The Eyre Peninsula’s beach is well-liked by surfers. It is renowned for harbouring a sizable great white shark population.

This time of year, according to shark expert Andrew Fox, fur seal pups are learning how to swim on their own, and whales are migrating.
“That’s a time when white sharks come in close and can be looking for those food sources,” Fox explained.

This year, there have been three shark attacks off the coast of South Australia. Pam Cook, 64, managed to survive a bite while swimming in Beachport.

After being attacked in May while surfing off the west coast of the state, Simon Bacanello went missing, and his body was never discovered.





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