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AustraliaLeading Liberal in WA promises to build a hospital on the rejected...

Leading Liberal in WA promises to build a hospital on the rejected site

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ

In the midst of the ongoing controversy over the $1.8 billion project, WA Liberal leader Libby Mettam says she is dedicated to establishing Perth’s new Women and Babies Hospital in Nedlands, not Murdoch, if she wins the election.

She promised to construct a hospital on the site the state government has rejected, turning Labor’s contentious decision to move the proposed maternity facility into a significant Liberal election pledge.

“We will construct a Women’s and Babies Hospital site at the QE2 site in our first term,” she stated.

“We will undertake a consultation with clinicians, infrastructure experts and review a business case.”

Despite multiple leaked documents from medical professionals suggesting that moving to Murdoch may have catastrophic repercussions, Premier Roger Cook continues to maintain that the transfer is the best practical option.

“Be under no illusions, the only two options re hospitals are build it now or see it delayed between 10 and 20 years,” Cook stated.

“If the Liberals are committing to building it there, they are essentially cutting, cancelling the redevelopment of a Women’s and Babies Hospital.”

Speaking to the party faithful at the state convention today, 496 days before the election, Mettam denounced the Cook administration as being “out of touch”.

A more severe crackdown on criminals was one of the many reforms that were promised at the summit.

It happens as the Nationals and Liberals are still in formal talks to establish a coalition government, which will officially designate Mettam as the leader of the opposition.

However, she declared that she is “not distracted by a job title”. “I’m focused as calling this government to account and presenting as an alternative premier,” she stated.






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