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AustraliaThe flying kangaroo is back ahead of Albanese's trip to China

The flying kangaroo is back ahead of Albanese’s trip to China

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ

Back home in his electorate, Anthony Albanese feels at home.

In the Sydney neighborhood of Leichhardt, the prime minister visited an Italian Festa, surrounded by cultures from across the globe. However, it occurs at a time when there is a great deal of strife and division in the world.

Albanese last week relied on our oldest Allies amid fighting in Europe and the Middle East. At the White House, he had a formal state dinner with Joe Biden. However, this week he turns his attention to China, our biggest trading partner.

“The US welcomes this,” the prime minister responded when asked how he plans to strike a balance between our commercial relationship with China and the expectations from the US.

“They have traveled to China. Next month, President XI will also travel to the US.” In the weeks following Albanese’s own encounter, the Chinese premier consented to meet with President Biden.

This will be the prime minister’s first trip to Beijing since Malcolm Turnbull’s visit in 2016.

Though a lot has happened since then, he is adamant that communication is the only path to progress.

“Dialogue is always a great thing,” he said.
“And the visit to China symbolises the normalisation and a more stable relationship.”

Additionally, QF129’s return served as another indication of the strengthening in Australian-Chinese ties.

Today marked Qantas’ first trip back to the Chinese mainland in over three years.
Albanese stated: “We should co-operate with China where we can, disagree where we must and engage in our national interest.”I’m excited for our trip to Beijing and Shanghai.”

Australia’s ideals should never be compromised, according to Opposition Leader Peter Dutton, while Albanese emphasized the country’s interests with China.”We need to stand up for the values we’ve fought for for a very long time” , he stated. “And under no circumstances do we sacrifice those.Although we want to see an improvement in the trading relationship, we also need to be quite honest with one another.”






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