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AustraliaEarly-morning gunshot on a Melbourne street targets a couple

Early-morning gunshot on a Melbourne street targets a couple

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ

A young couple at Keilor Lodge in Melbourne’s northwest is fortunate to be alive after escaping a barrage of gunshots.

Investigators are looking into a probable reason for the early morning shooting, which involves a dispute between one of the victims and her ex-partner.

Shots were fired into a suburban home, smashing the victim’s automobile.

A couple came under fire outside their Turin Place home at around seven in the morning.

The victims, who were being pursued by two gunmen, made it 100 meters down the road before crashing the Holden Commodore into a parked vehicle. The gunfire startled the locals.

One remarked, “I was just lying in bed and I heard about six gunshots.” “There was just like ‘bang, bang, bang, bang, bang’.”

“It got up to 20 gunshots that went off but during that last lot of gunshots I heard a woman screaming,” a another neighbor stated.

According to the authorities, the victim was beaten when he got out of the automobile.

Before the perpetrators left the site in a Honda CRV, further bullets were fired.
His 30-year-old partner was not hurt, but the 32-year-old male had some minor injuries.

Investigating the crime scene took up most of the day for forensic police.

An important portion of the investigation will consist of footage from nearby residences and witnesses.

While the victims have had a brief conversation regarding what transpired there with the police. Police sat, they have not yet made official comments.
Later, in Keilor Lodge, a 30-year-old male was taken into custody.

He is supporting their inquiries, according to Victoria Police. According to police, everybody involved are acquainted.






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