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AustraliaAfter a horrified Indonesian man dies, three battle for their lives. accident...

After a horrified Indonesian man dies, three battle for their lives. accident in Adelaide Hills

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ

A horrific crash in the Adelaide Hills has given rise to a tragic story.

Ari Utomo, the victim, is a guy who relocated to Australia from Indonesia in search of a better life for his family and himself.

The 28-year-old grabbed a ride with friends after his car broke down, and his family is now grieving his loss from a distance.

Yesterday morning, that car veered off South Para Road and struck a tree.
There are still three pals of Utomo who are fighting for their lives.

Friend Tama Napitupulu stated, “He was such a nice guy, he always put a big smile on his face whenever he said hello to everyone.”

Utomo passed away at the site, and two other passengers, both in their early 20s, were critically hurt. The driver also sustained injuries.

Friends sent pictures from the Royal Adelaide Hospital by their bedsides.

“This morning when I found out it was Ari, I couldn’t even stand up,” said Napitupulu.
Napitupulu collaborated with all four men in the Lobethal Thomas Foods abattoir. She claims that Utomo was in the car by coincidence as they were heading home from the night shift.

“His car was broken so the other three guys just picked him up and then they went home together,” said Napitupulu.

“This tragic accident has left us all deeply saddened,” a statement from Thomas Foods International read.

“Our thoughts are with their families and counselling support has been provided.”
This year’s road toll in the state is expected to be the highest in over ten years.

“Compared to last year, when we had a record-low road toll, we’re accomplishing more. Commissioner Grant Stevens lamented, “Unfortunately, we’re seeing the fatality statistics going in the wrong direction way too quickly.”

The family of Utomo hopes to be able to return his body to Indonesia for a dignified send-off. They are hoping for the survival of their son’s buddies in the meanwhile.






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