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AustraliaVictoria will eliminate hundreds of positions for public employees

Victoria will eliminate hundreds of positions for public employees

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ

Several government departments in Victoria want to eliminate hundreds of public service positions.

The state budget for May included the initial announcement of the redundancies, which are anticipated to save the government $2.1 billion over the following four years.

The Victorian Department of Jobs, which still employs workers from the canceled Commonwealth Games, will eliminate about 220 positions. The Department of Justice and Community Safety will also eliminate positions.

Today, Premier Jacinta Allan insisted that essential services wouldn’t be curtailed. “The effort is on delivering core services, supporting community safety,” she stated. “Community safety remains a main priority.”

A spokeswoman for the Department of Justice and Community Safety stated that employment layoffs were anticipated in the industry but did not provide any specific numbers.

“Like all departments, the Department of Justice and Community Safety is working to achieve the reprioritisation decisions announced in recent Budgets, while ensuring we continue to deliver on the Government’s core priorities,” a spokeswoman stated.

The suggested adjustments will still guarantee that community safety comes first. They will cut down on redundancy and make sure the right people are in the right positions to provide the best services for Victorians while minimizing any negative effects on staff.

“We understand this will be a difficult time for many staff right across the department and we will ensure they are supported throughout the process.”

A spokeswoman for the Department of Jobs stated that the proposed adjustments were the result of “close consultation” with their unions and workers. According to Wayne Townsend, a representative for the Community and Public Sector Union, they were concerned about how this would affect crucial community services.

“The major concern is changes within the community correction program, which looks after offenders.”This is happening again right now. Our members fear that this will put the neighborhood in danger.
“There are a large number of roles that are going”

The layoffs occur as the public service union works to reach a new pay agreement.

They demand a four-day workweek and a 20% wage increase over the course of four years.

“Basically, 100 per cent of the pay, 80 per cent of the hours but delivering on 100 per cent of the productivity,” he stated. Brad Rowswell, the shadow treasurer, claimed that the layoffs will endanger the neighborhood.






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