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AustraliaKalgoorlie man killed by police was a local granddad

Kalgoorlie man killed by police was a local granddad

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ

An armed man killed by police in Kalgoorlie, Western Australia, has been identified as a father and grandpa from the area.

Around 12.15 pm on Friday, police were summoned to a laneway near Whitlock Street in South Kalgoorlie and encountered a guy brandishing a firearm.

After ignoring warnings, the individual approached three cops and was shot at least three times—twice by one officer and once by another.

Until paramedics arrived and transported him to Kalgoorlie Hospital, where he subsequently passed away, the officers gave the man CPR.

The Major Crime Division will lead a critical incident investigation under the direction of the internal affairs unit after reviewing video from the officers’ body-worn cameras.

Yesterday, WA Police Assistant Commissioner Daryl Gaunt commended the officers’ conduct and expressed his condolences to Dave’s family.

“From the body-worn video that I’ve seen, the officers acted with great courage, extremely professionally, and in accordance with their training,” he added.

“We acknowledge the gentleman’s death and that’s a tragedy for his family as well. But I have great admiration for the job they did and the courage they displayed in this instance.”

The man’s family wanted for privacy, so they asked that he be referred to as Dave.
He is thought to have worked in the town as a local father and grandfather.

However, he added, “that will be a strong focus of the investigation.” “There is nothing in what we know about this gentleman that would suggest any ideology or any other issues that would have led to him making this decision,” he said.

The status of the man’s weapon is still unknown, and a “full ballistics investigation” is in progress.
The handgun lacked a permit. During the altercation, Dave didn’t shoot any police officers.

According to Gaunt, assistance was being given to Dave’s family as well as the officers. Whatever occurs in these situations, a life has been lost, he declared.

“That has a negative impact on our people, but we will still support them.”Regardless matter how the death came about, the family is experiencing sadness. “They’re working hard, but they have a lot of support,”






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