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AustraliaIan Wilkinson, a suspected mushroom poisoning survivor, was discharged from the hospital

Ian Wilkinson, a suspected mushroom poisoning survivor, was discharged from the hospital

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ

Ian Wilkinson, who is believed to have survived a mushroom poisoning, has been discharged from Melbourne’s Austin hospital, two months after he fell very unwell at a family lunch.

The small South Gippsland town of Korrumburra’s Baptist pastor, Wilkinson, was one of four persons who experienced extreme diarrhoea after eating a beef Wellington that was thought to have included death cap mushrooms.

After it, both Wilkinson’s wife Heather and Heather’s sister Gail Patterson and her husband Don passed away.

Ian made it through, and his family commended the hospital staff for their efforts after he was released on Saturday.

The family said that Ian Wilkinson had made “considerable progress in his recovery” and had been discharged from Austin Hospital on Friday.

“Ian and the entire Wilkinson family can now look back with great relief and thankfulness on this significant achievement.

“The Leongatha, Dandenong, and Austin Hospitals deserve a warm thank you from the Wilkinson family for their unrelenting commitment and superb care that were essential to Ian’s rehabilitation.

“Throughout this journey, the medical team’s knowledge and kindness have given me comfort and hope.

The family is also extremely appreciative of the support, prayers, and well wishes they have received from the Korumburra community, church, friends, relatives, and coworkers.

“This widespread generosity has strengthened our community’s sense of cohesion and compassion, which has been a source of strength for Ian and the family.

The Wilkinson family respectfully requests that their privacy while Ian continues his path to full recovery.

Erin Patterson, the lady who prepared the lunch, is still being sought as a suspect in the three fatalities, according to police homicide detectives. She adamantly rejects any wrongdoing.






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