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AustraliaGrandfather and philanthropist was killed in the Bourke Street collision

Grandfather and philanthropist was killed in the Bourke Street collision

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ

The old man was a parent, grandpa, and philanthropist who passed away in a car accident on Bourke Street in Melbourne on Friday night.

The 76-year-old driver of his Hyundai was at the wheel when a car slammed into two other vehicles and pedestrians.

A 26-year-old Melton West man is accused of killing a pedestrian group and two other cars after allegedly driving through the mall.

The deceased guy established a scholarship in his honour at a Melbourne university and donated his time and money to a famous high school in Melbourne.

Additionally, he provided funding for a prize for female scientists and mathematicians.

Electric bollards have been proposed as a potential solution following the most recent tragedy on the well-known roadway.

Michael Buxton, a planning professor at RMIT, said more needs to be done to raise safety standards, which were recently examined in the wake of the Bourke Street tragedy in 2017.

Buxton advised looking into the bollards obstructing the mall’s entrance. “Bourke Street is a special case and it needs special treatment,” he declared.

The problem with Bourke Street is that there are no barriers to prevent cars from entering the centre of the street; instead, there are barriers on the sides of the mall.

According to Buxton, retractable bollards offered a practical technique to divide traffic.

“They can be electronically retracted so trams can go through and cars can be separated,” he said.

The best safety precautions must be taken in order to identify the hazard and handle the issue that the Bourke Street Mall presents. It must be built there.

“There is a clear issue with Bourke Street.”

The state government today said that before taking any further action, there needed to be an investigation into the occurrence.

Deputy Premier Jacinta Allan stated, “We will wait for the guidance from Victoria Police before making any further statements or taking any actions.

“Having the proper balance between public safety measures and the flow of people, public transportation services, trams, buses, ridesharing, taxis, and walkers is important.

The central business district of Melbourne is very secure. Following the 2017 rampage, 131 steel bollards in total, a public speaker system, and more CCTV cameras were put in place along the strip.

Street furniture and planting boxes were also incorporated in the $52.5 million works to create a pedestrian-safe zone.






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