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AustraliaAfter allegedly shooting at someone in Sydney's west, a man was charged

After allegedly shooting at someone in Sydney’s west, a man was charged

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ

A man has been prosecuted after a shot was fired in Sydney’s west through a front door and into an interior wall.

According to police, on August 13 at around 4.30 p.m., a man was threatened on Stanley Street in Fairfield by a 29-year-old who then allegedly fired one shot at him from inside a vehicle.

The bullet allegedly struck a home with an elderly woman inside after missing the 20-year-old man.

The other man allegedly got out of the car and started sprinting after the 20-year-old as he fled the area, according to a statement from NSW Police.

A short while afterwards, the 29-year-old got back in his car and left the area.

Just after 5 o’clock, according to police, a silver Mercedes vehicle was discovered partially ablaze in Chowne Place at Yennora.

Detectives from Task Force Magnus, who regularly pursue crimes involving firearms, looked into the situation.

Around 5.30 this morning, a 29-year-old was taken into custody at a Middleton Grange residence.

He was accused of firing a gun into or close to a public area and shooting at someone with the intent to kill.

The man was denied bail and is scheduled to show up in court today in Liverpool.






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