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AustraliaPolice believe that the skeletal bones uncovered in Mossman Gorge may belong...

Police believe that the skeletal bones uncovered in Mossman Gorge may belong to a missing swimmer

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ

According to authorities, a human bone discovered in a creek in Far North Queensland may belong to a lady who vanished there eight months ago.

Charged with running Mossman Police Station According to Matthew Smith, a visitor discovered the bone last week on the riverbed at Mossman Gorge and called the police.

He claimed that after divers found the bone, a forensic anthropologist verified it to be a human tibia.

“We obviously are hopeful that particular bone may lead us to answers in relation to the missing person from January who got swept down the Mossman Gorge and was never seen or resurfaced,” Sergeant Smith stated.

emergency assistance After the 54-year-old vanished, authorities spent days searching the well-known swimming area for tourists, but the mission was incredibly challenging due to the scenic waterway’s numerous big caves and rushing water.

Divers will keep looking in the region in the following days, both near the location of the bone’s discovery and the woman’s last known whereabouts, according to Sergeant Smith.

“There was always the belief that she was pinned under a rock somewhere and that’s why she failed to resurface,” he said. “There was tumultuous water that was pouring down the gorge at the time, that the water pressure and the deep canyons and pockets that make up the Mossman Gorge River.”

a notice indicating Mossman Gorge
“We were always hoping that the passage of time and a change in the weather would allow us to hopefully find some of her remains.”

The next step, he said, would require DNA testing to validate the alleged identification in addition to looking for other remains.

“Hopefully, if we can find some more remains, it will give us more chance of positive DNA testing due to the timeframe,” the researcher stated.

“We’re very hopeful that this will bring her family some closure, but at this point, we still need to conduct a significant amount of forensic DNA testing to confirm that.”








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