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AustraliaAfter a narcotics lab search near Goulburn, three guys were charged

After a narcotics lab search near Goulburn, three guys were charged

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ

Detectives from the NSW Police Force searched a drug lab close to Goulburn and charged three males.

Strike Force Crear was established by police from the State Crime Command’s Drug and Firearms Squad to look into claims that illegal drugs, particularly methylamphetamine, were being supplied around Sydney.

Early on Thursday morning, strike force investigators carried out a search warrant at a property in Marulan with the help of the Public Order and Riot Squad.

Inside, two males were detained; both were 49 years old.

Police discovered a sizable, inactive clandestine laboratory during their search of a sizable industrial shed at the back of the property.

Officers discovered and seized around 16 kg of methylamphetamine oil along with other things that may be used to make narcotics.

The Chemical Operations Team’s expert police then disassembled the lab.

Later in the morning, a second search warrant was carried out at a residence in Rossmore, a suburb of Sydney, where many things were recovered, including 10 kilogrammes of methylamphetamine, electronic devices, and papers important to the investigation.

The methylamphetamine that was seized is thought to be worth a total of $6.5 million.

A 55-year-old male was detained at a St. Clair residence soon before 11 a.m. after more enquiries.

Officers then used a third search warrant to enter the house, where they discovered more than $18,000 in cash.

The two 49-year-old males were transported to the Goulburn Police Station, where one of them was accused of knowingly supervising the actions of a criminal gang and participating in the production of significant quantities of an illegal substance.

The second man was accused of participating in a criminal organisation, supporting illegal activities, and helping to produce a forbidden substance in big commercial quantities.

On Thursday, both men appeared at Goulburn Local Court, where they were formally denied bail and ordered to return on Wednesday, September 27, to the same court.

The elder man was transported to Penrith Police Station and accused of contributing to criminal activity, manufacturing commercial quantities of an illegal narcotic, and participating in a criminal gang.

He appeared at Penrith Local Court on Friday, when he was formally denied bail and told to show up again on Friday, October 13, 2023, at the same court.







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