23.3 C

AustraliaVictims of Melissa Caddick win $3 million from receivers

Victims of Melissa Caddick win $3 million from receivers

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ

Victims of Melissa Caddick’s Ponzi scam will receive a $3 million payout after receivers sold her Dover Heights property and shares nearly three years after she vanished.

Caddick used her investment scheme to steal up to $30 million from largely friends and family, using the money to maintain her extravagant lifestyle until disappearing in November 2020.

Months later, her badly decayed right foot came ashore on a beach on NSW’s South Coast, still linked to a running shoe, prompting officials to consider her dead.

The receivers’ funds are the “first and interim” distribution of payments to investors by Jones Partners, Caddick’s receivers and liquidators of Maliver, Caddick’s investment business.

“This distribution has resulted from receivership property we have realised, particularly the share portfolios and the Dover Heights Property that Melissa Caddick resided in,” stated Bruce Gleeson, principal of Jones and Partners.

“It is not uncommon for investors to receive no return in many Ponzi schemes, so we are pleased to be able to make this distribution and anticipate further significant distributions in the future,” Gleeson added.

“We also recently took possession of the Edgecliff Penthouse and are in the process of preparing it for sale.”

Jones Partners has commissioned Richardson & Wrench Double Bay to handle the sale.

Gleeson stated that the Edgcliff penthouse in the Eastpoint Tower would be available for sale next month.

“Edgecliff is in a prime location, and its sale will allow us to make additional significant distributions to investors.”

Despite a lengthy inquest, Caddick’s death remains a mystery.

Her husband, Anthony Koletti, is still fighting in Federal Court to keep some of her belongings.





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