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AustraliaFormer aide Brittany Higgins is being sued by a liberal senator

Former aide Brittany Higgins is being sued by a liberal senator

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ

The liberal senator Linda Reynolds followed through on her promise to file a lawsuit against Brittany Higgins over her social media statements.

Higgins is charged with spreading false information about the senator on her Instagram and Twitter accounts in a writ filed on Monday in the West Australian Supreme Court.

According to the document obtained by AAP, the posts were purportedly published on July 4 and July 20.

In addition, Reynolds asserts that the information in the Instagram post constitutes a violation of contract.

In March, the senator and Higgins signed a release and settlement agreement that included a “non-disparagement” clause.

Higgins will be prohibited from publishing any additional allegedly defamatory content as well as aggravated damages, interest, and fees.

Early in July, Higgins received a call from the senator’s attorneys telling her to delete the allegedly defamatory posts or risk legal action.

In response, Higgins tweeted that she was exploring her legal options.

Higgins said that in 2019, while both of them were employed as workers for Senator Reynolds, Bruce Lehrmann sexually assaulted her within the senator’s ministerial office.

Inconsistent juror misconduct wrecked Lehrmann’s trial in the ACT Supreme Court, although he vehemently rejected the charge.

Due to worries about the potential effects on Higgins’ mental health, the prosecution decided against taking further proceedings.

Reynolds has previously claimed that since Higgins made the accusation against Lehrmann public, she has been the focus of “unjustified criticism and abuse.”

In a statement released in July, the senator said, “Despite her repeated defamation of my character, to this point I have not taken any action against her personally – even though I considered her words to breach our previous settlement agreement.”

In addition, Reynolds is seeking legal action against David Sharaz, the partner of Higgins, for five allegedly defamatory social media statements.






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