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AustraliaDonald Morley of Canberra is accused of killing his 92-year-old wife Jean...

Donald Morley of Canberra is accused of killing his 92-year-old wife Jean Morley

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ

An elderly Canberra man accused of killing his 92-year-old wife made a bedside appearance in the ACT Magistrates Court via video link.

After a care worker made a usual visit to the Morleys’ Fisher home and discovered Jean’s body, Donald Morley, 92, was arrested last night.

According to the police’s preliminary findings, it appeared Mrs. Morley had been suffocated, according to Detective Acting Inspector Matthew Innes.

“The search is continuing at the home; forensically, it is finished, but at this point, investigators are still searching the area for any information that might help us.”

Speaking to the reporters is a police detective wearing a suit and tie.

Mr. and Mrs. Morley have been together for 69 years, and according to Detective Inspector Innes, there has never been any domestic violence in the relationship.

According to police, Mr. Morley is most likely the oldest person accused of murder in the ACT.

Mr. Morley’s case was heard in court this afternoon, and his attorney, Nathan Deakes, sat next to him as he requested bail. Mr. Morley could be seen via video link, laying in a bed at the Canberra Hospital.

Mr. Deakes testified before the court that Mr. Morley had a chest wound and was having medication side effects.

He informed the court that Mr. Morley’s case merited release because of his advanced age, scant criminal history, and low risk to the public.

a residence is blocked off by police tape.

Caitlin Diggins, the prosecutor, was against bail.

“This is a very distressing situation,” Ms. Diggins added.

Since the incident, “the defendant has made three attempts at suicide.”

She admitted to the court that she thought he might try again.

Where Mr. Morley would go if released on bond was another issue the court thought about.

Although Magistrate Jane Campbell acknowledged Mr. Morley posed no danger to the public, she postponed the case until tomorrow, when the emergency order keeping Mr. Morley in the hospital expires.





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