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AustraliaAs rescuers fight to save survivors of a WA beach stranding, more...

As rescuers fight to save survivors of a WA beach stranding, more than 50 pilot whales have died

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ

Following a major stranding of around 100 pilot whales on a beach in Western Australia yesterday, at least 51 of them are now confirmed dead.

About 60 kilometers east of Albany, the creatures were sighted on Tuesday in an odd grouping 150 meters off Cheynes Beach.

Later on Tuesday afternoon, the whales began breaching, flailing, and lining up side by side as they swam onto the shore.

As many as 70 pilot whales have stranded themselves on a beach in Western Australia, prompting experts to convene emergency meetings.Observers have flocked to the area in an effort to aid the mammals, which were earlier seen 150 meters off Cheynes Beach, around 60 kilometers east of Albany, in an unusual grouping.

Later this afternoon, the whales began breaching, flailing, and lining up side by side as they swam onto the sand.

Peter Hartley, regional manager for Parks and Wildlife Services, remarked that it had been “a pretty trying night.”

He stated to Today that “the report this morning has been that 36 pilot whales have died overnight.”

We’re concentrating on the roughly 50 whales that are still living today, and we’ll do everything in our power to get them back into the water.

This morning, Western Australia Parks and Wildlife reported that 46 whales are still alive despite 51 whales having already perished.

The group wrote on its website, “The general public is strongly advised to avoid the beach for safety reasons.”

More were sure to perish despite those attempts, according to wildlife biologist Dr. Vanessa Pirotta.

“The clock starts ticking when the whale strands on any surface,” she said.

Due to the large number of strandings, Cheynes Beach received a shark alert.

The state government’s Shark Smart program recommends that “it is possible that dead and injured animals will act as an attractant that could lead to sharks coming close to the shore along this stretch of coast.”

“While shark sightings off the coast of Western Australia are regular all year long, humans should take extra precautions.

Staff from other agencies and officers from the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development are keeping an eye on the issue and giving advise to the appropriate authorities.

The wellbeing of the whales was being observed nightly by Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions (DBCA) personnel who were on the scene.

Additional personnel, including veterinarians from the Perth Zoo and experts in marine wildlife, were on their way, as well as specialized tools like vessels and slings.

People are urged to use extra caution in the area, follow beach closures, and keep themselves informed.

Before heading to the beach to help the whales, experts were in urgent meetings.

The incident is being managed and the reaction is being led by DBCA.

A spokeswoman added, “We comprehend the public’s anxiety at this time and welcome the offers of support from volunteers.

However, public safety and the welfare of the whales are our top priorities, therefore we kindly request that people refrain from going near the beach.

It is requested that volunteers sign up with the DCBA instead of going to the beach tonight.

Up to 70 pilot whales were observed 150 meters off Cheynes Beach, about 60 kilometers east of Albany, Western Australia, by Cheynes Beach Caravan Park.

It’s unlike anything I’ve ever seen.Experts were baffled by the whales’ behavior before they beached, and both locals and visitors were enthralled.

According to Joanne Marsh of Cheynes Beach Caravan Park, at first glance, the whales appeared to have been “caught in a big net.”

We had no idea what we were looking at to begin with, Marsh said earlier. “It was really incredible.”

We realized it was a bunch of tiny whales collected together when we zoomed in on the original photo and said, “We’ve never seen anything like this before.”

Authorities who were observing the whales’ behavior at the time believed there was no reason for concern. However, some visitors made the trip out to witness the whales.

Up to 70 pilot whales have become stranded on a Western Australian beach. Observers have flocked to the area in an effort to aid the mammals, which were earlier seen 150 meters off Cheynes Beach, around 60 kilometers east of Albany, in an unusual grouping. The whales were huddled together in the water earlier today, as seen from a nearby campground.

Some whale experts have never witnessed the mysterious movements before.

John Edwards from DBCA earlier on Tuesday stated that “our staff from Albany went out on site to have a look for themselves.”

We haven’t seen a lot of what we’re seeing previously, so it’s really rare.

“When we first spotted them this morning, they were gathered in a small circle and looking inward.

We don’t believe it’s always a stranding behavior, but it’s obvious that whenever whales approach the beach, we pay attention.





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