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Tuesday, 2025-3-25 20:16:29

AustraliaAfter an investigation was started by an APVMA employee who reportedly urinated...

After an investigation was started by an APVMA employee who reportedly urinated on coworkers, the boss and chair of the pesticides authority resigned

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ

A devastating investigation reveals that the Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority (APVMA) was “captured” by industrial interests and frequently accused of misconduct, leading to the resignation of the board chair and CEO of the organisation.


Agriculture Minister Murray Watt requested the APVMA assessment in response to claims made in a Senate investigation that a worker had defecated on his coworkers after a holiday party.

The reviewer, law firm Clayton UTZ, discovered that allegations of misbehaviour were filed by and concerning workers at various levels of the pesticides authority, and that they pertained to the “entire organisation.”

Given that an official complaint was made on average once every 4-6 weeks for five years, there were undoubtedly cultural difficulties with the company, according to Clayton UTZ.

The reviewer discovered that “there are also a sizable number of complaints that refer to serious impacts for the persons involved, including numerous instances of employees having to take time off work for stress or feeling unable to report to work due to mental health concerns.”

Despite the severity of certain complaints, the reviewer discovered that there seemed to be a lack of responsiveness to these issues, a lack of record keeping, and a lack of capacity to address problems.

Recently, the APVMA chair Carmel Hillyard and the organization’s CEO Lisa Croft submitted their resignation letters.

Since the government received an interim review, Ms. Croft has been on leave.

Lisa Croft and Carmel Hillyard
The ministry of agriculture stated the review had found systemic issues in response to today’s findings.

In the APVMA, “the number and range of issues have turned out to be far wider than I think any of us expected,” Senator Watt remarked.

Concerningly, the review uncovered substantial charges that the APVMA had been captured by the chemical industry, which appears to have been a major factor in the organization’s failure to fulfil all of its regulatory obligations.

In February, the alleged incident of urine was reported to the police and the public service commissioner.

Additionally, it was discovered that the APVMA had “embedded” business interests into its regulatory goals and culture.

Even when criminal or civil action was suggested, the agency received criticism for depending on education as a form of discipline.

Senator Watt concurred with Clayton UTZ’s urgent recommendation for a “re-evaluation of the APVMA’s engagement with industry”.

According to the review, none of the material looked at suggested any chemical items had been improperly registered.

However, they discovered that the organisation that certifies goods like the weed killer glyphosate was taking decades to assess chemicals.

“Of the 10 ongoing chemical reviews, eight have been in progress for over 15 years or more, with seven continuing for nearly 20 years,” they said.

Senator Watt has ordered that those assessments be completed “as soon as possible” and commissioned retired public servant Ken Matthews to conduct a new investigation into the APVMA’s leadership and culture.

This report has enough information to worry him about the possibility of future food safety problems if no action is taken, he added.

“That’s not the situation right now, and I never want it to be the situation.”

Since 2016, when former agricultural minister Barnaby Joyce compelled the APVMA to move from Canberra to Armidale, in his New South Wales seat of New England, the organisation has been embroiled in controversy.

According to the reviewer, the forced relocation “fundamentally changed the APVMA, if for no other reason than the APVMA experienced a very significant staff turnover, including a change in CEO, associated with the relocation.”

“This staff turnover would have inevitably led to the loss of corporate knowledge, corporate culture, and experience and knowledge of what it is like to work within the Australian Public Service (APS).” This can entail having a practical understanding of fundamental public service ideals, such the necessity of upholding the APS values.

The relocation, according to Senator Watt, was one of the major causes of the “demise of good governance” at the agency and he has not ruled out relocating the APVMA back to Canberra.

The Matthews probe, which is expected to deliver its findings by the end of September, will look into that matter, the minister added.

The inquiry looking into the agency’s conduct were welcomed by Greens senator Peter Whish-Wilson, who has previously expressed worries about the “embattled agency… not being fit for purpose.”

After this scathing evaluation was completed, Senator Whish-Wilson tweeted, “The government must now adopt a different approach to the regulation of Australia’s agricultural chemicals. The Greens will be scrutinising the inevitable changes that should lie ahead.”

We’ve reached out to Mr. Joyce for comment.





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