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AustraliaDutton accused Shorten of politicising the findings of the robodebt royal commission

Dutton accused Shorten of politicising the findings of the robodebt royal commission

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ

The leader of the federal opposition, Peter Dutton, has accused the prime minister of attempting to benefit politically from the damning report of the royal commission into the robodebt scheme, which was implemented by the former Coalition government.

Dutton criticised Anthony Albanese and Bill Shorten, the minister of government services, for politicking the robodebt controversy after the Liberal National Party conference.

It occurs after the Friday delivery of the royal commission report, which included 57 recommendations and 57 referrals for civil and criminal action.

Dutton criticised Shorten and Albanese for attempting to use the robodebt debacle and subsequent scandal to advance their political careers.

“I advise against the current glee of the prime minister and Bill Shorten. From the beginning, they have tried to make this problem political,” he stated.

Shorten was singled out by Dutton as a “political animal” who has “milked out every political advantage there is to the Labour party out of this issue.”

“The politicisation of this procedure by Bill Shorten has been exposed. The speaker has brought him up several times when he has approached or crossed the queue, the speaker claimed.

There is no doubt that he has seen a political advantage in this position.He asserted that Albanese had done the same, nevertheless.

Despite the fact that the robodebt programme was developed and ran for more than four and a half years during the Coalition’s administration, he justified the past administration’s activities in this regard.

“The programme was stopped when the problems were brought to the government’s attention at the time,” he stated.

Shorten stated earlier on Saturday that any “self-respecting politician” would feel “humiliated” in light of the report’s conclusions.

This will be written on their political tombstone, he warned, “that a number of them abused their power.”Dutton expressed regret to the robodebt scheme victims.

“I apologise to anyone who have had a negative outcome. I really am,” he declared.
Regarding the examples we observed before the royal inquiry and additional cases reported in the media.

“The commission process was significant.

“We will take their recommendations into consideration.”

Regarding Scott Morrison and the accusations that he “misled” the cabinet, which the former prime minister disputes, Dutton said he would still support the party’s elected officials in their current positions.

He added, “Mr. Morrison has responded, disputing the charges made; if there is a judicial process that follows, I don’t know.





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