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AustraliaPop icon from the 2000s Coco Lee died at age 48

Pop icon from the 2000s Coco Lee died at age 48

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ

In a Facebook post on Wednesday, the singer CoCo Lee’s sisters announced that she had passed away following a suicide attempt. She was 48 years old.

Her older sisters reported that the celebrity made an attempt at suicide on July 2 at home before being taken to the hospital. She attempted suicide, going into a coma and passing away on Wednesday.

According to the Facebook post, “CoCo had been dealing with depression for a few years, but over the last few months, her condition has deteriorated dramatically.”

Even though CoCo tried her best to overcome despair and sought professional assistance, the demon inside of her ultimately won.

The singer-songwriter, who was born in Hong Kong, relocated to the US when she was nine years old before eventually moving back home, where she began her musical career.

When Lee portrayed the title character in the Chinese adaptation of the Disney classic Mulan in 1998, it was her breakthrough performance. She sang the Mandarin version of the song Reflection.

As the first person of Chinese origin to represent Chanel as the brand ambassador for Asia, she also made history by becoming the first Chinese American to perform at the Academy Awards, performing the song A Love Before Time from Ang Lee’s Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon.

Lee is recognised as a gifted and chic pop phenomenon of the early 2000s and continued to be a prominent, active performer in mainland China up until her passing.

Lee has recently judged a number of singing contests and reality TV shows.

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“CoCo is also known to have worked tirelessly to open up a new world for Chinese singers in the international music scene, and she went all out to shine for the Chinese,” her sisters wrote in their post. “We are happy with her!”

Lee leaves behind her mother, her husband Bruce Rockowitz, a Canadian businessman who served as the former CEO of the Hong Kong supply chain giant Li & Fung, as well as her two stepdaughters. She also leaves behind her sisters.





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