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AustraliaFollowing the Bondi Junction gangland execution, the police have been targeting organised...

Following the Bondi Junction gangland execution, the police have been targeting organised crime

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ

Following the execution of high-ranking Comanchero bikie gang member Alen Moradian in Sydney’s eastern suburbs, N SW Police have intensified its efforts to target organised criminal organisations.

Following Moradian’s murder on Tuesday, three people have been charged and 12 firearm and weapon restriction compliance checks have been made in the last week.

Since the murder, the Raptor Squad, which targets organised crime syndicates, has placed a special emphasis on eradicating gang members, according to Detective Superintendent Andrew Koutsoufis.

He explained, “It stems from the murder of Mr. Moradian at Bondi Junction last week.

It is routine for Raptor, but given what transpired in respect to Moradian during the past week, it might have been a more targeted and concentrated approach.

“Some of those we have targeted were unquestionably Moradian associates.”

Last week, Moradian was shot and killed at close range when he was seated in the driver’s seat of his automobile in the underground parking garage of the Whitten Lane apartment complex.

The Bondi Junction flat is thought to have been intended as his safe haven.

The burial for gang member Alen Moradian, who was shot and killed in a Bondi Junction parking lot last week, has seen a significant police presence.

Moradian was described by Detective Superintendent Danny Doherty as a “high-level criminal identity” who “had a big target on his back” the previous week.

Police are still looking into the shooting.

The funeral for Moradian was held on Wednesday with a significant police presence, which Koutsoufis claimed today was done in order to “keep the peace”.

According to Koutsoufis, police target “violent criminals who should not be in possession of firearms or weapons” with firearm prohibition orders (FPOs).

Regular compliance inspections on FPOs, he continued, have led to a decrease in shootings across the state.

He declared, “We are making every effort to keep the neighbourhood safe.

It also entails attempting to keep these individuals alive who intend to harm one another.





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