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AustraliaThree people were hurt when a public bus crashed into homes on...

Three people were hurt when a public bus crashed into homes on the Mornington Peninsula

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ

After a bus and a cement truck collided and slammed into two homes on the Mornington Peninsula this morning, a large clean-up effort is already under way.

About 11 a.m., the bus crashed on Dromana Parade at Safety Beach, south of Melbourne, killing all twelve occupants.
One of the affected properties is owned by Tim Green’s family, and they said that the damage appeared to be severe.

Green stated, “I got a call saying there was a bus in our living room.

“This house was built by my father, and it will be repaired.

Although everything can be fixed, it won’t be inexpensive.

Acting Sergeant Steve Newland reported that there were two persons in the truck and 12 people on the bus, and that no one was inside the impacted homes at the time.

It’s a good thing these homes are vacation rentals and nobody was living in them at the time, according to Newland.

When it struck the bus, the truck was moving north on Prescott Avenue.
The bus crashed into a house on Prescott Avenue, through its front gate, and then struck its roof, according to police.

Before striking a house, it continued to crash through more fences, seriously damaging the structure.

A 17-year-old passenger and the bus driver, 44, were both brought to the hospital with non-life-threatening wounds.

They continue to be in stable condition at Frankston Hospital.

Another passenger received minor wounds and received on-site care from paramedics.

The 32-year-old truck driver is supporting authorities with their inquiries despite being unharmed.

Four CFA units, the SES, police, Ambulance Victoria, and other key emergency service units are still present on the scene.

56 km to the south of Melbourne is Safety Beach.






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