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AustraliaAfter being questioned about voters who aren't sure, Anthony Albanese is still...

After being questioned about voters who aren’t sure, Anthony Albanese is still optimistic that Australians would vote in favor of the Voice to Parliament

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ

Insinuations that undecided voters in the impending Voice to Parliament referendum are more likely to cast a No vote have been dismissed by Prime Minister Anthony Albanese.

According to a new JWS Research poll issued on Friday, support for the yes vote is now at 46%, while opposition is at 43%.

The results take into account “leanings” in the undecided group in favor of voting Yes or No, and despite the survey showing a 1% swing in favor of voting Yes among Australians who are still uncertain, a reporter claimed they were more likely to vote No.

When questioned about the new poll on Saturday morning, Mr. Albanese denied that voters who are still uncertain are more inclined to vote No.

“No. Every day, a new poll is conducted,” he stated.

“Every poll… Shows a higher percentage of yes votes than no votes.

We will keep making our case, and Australians will decide for themselves.

According to an Essential assessment published on June 13, voice support remained at 60% while hard No votes increased to 40%, supporting Mr. Albanese’s assertion.

The same day, a Resolve Political Monitor poll revealed that only 49% of respondents still supported the Voice to Parliament.

51% of Australians who responded to the poll for the Nine newspapers said they opposed the Voice plan.

The various polling findings also vary by state, but several indicate that support for NSW and Victoria is waning and that there is a tight race to see which way they will finish.

Only Western Australia continuously supports the Voice to Parliament, and some studies even show an increase in support.

The constitutional referendum requires a double majority to pass, which means that in order for the Yes option to prevail, it must receive the majority of votes nationwide as well as in the majority of states.

The Prime Minister invited Australians to support the Voice by joining corporate, sports, and religious organizations that have already shown their support.

“All of these groups believe that this is a good transition and that it is time for us to go forward together… There is only upside, according to Mr. Albanese.

It would give Indigenous Australians a voice, he claimed, “that can be listened to, that can then be taken into better policy to make a difference, to close the gap because we have to do better.”

After a bill enacting the referendum passed the Senate on Monday morning by a vote of 52-19, both the Yes and No campaigns have increased their efforts to promote their respective positions.

Between October and December of this year, Australians will cast ballots in the referendum.





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