31.8 C

Australiaremoving Senator David Van from the Liberal party room

removing Senator David Van from the Liberal party room

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ

Peter Dutton, the leader of the opposition, has ejected Senator David Van from the Liberals’ party room.

Dutton’s decision to fire Van comes in response to accusations of sexual assault and harassment made by Lidia Thorpe yesterday in the Senate while speaking under parliamentary privilege.

To adhere to legislative standing orders, the remarks were taken back.

Dutton claimed he received notice of additional accusations both last night and today.

Thorpe’s allegations have been vehemently refuted by the liberal senator, who has called them “completely unfounded” and “disgusting.”

The opposition leader added, “I recently informed Senator Van of my determination that he should no longer sit in the Liberal Party party room.

“I want to be very clear up front that I am not passing any judgement on the truth of the accusations or the guilt or innocence of any specific person. I am pretty clear about that.

Senator Thorpe made the claim yesterday in the Senate over the relocation of offices. I was unaware of the specifics of Senator Van’s office relocation. But during the course of the night, I did some research on that subject.

I’m informed that Senator Thorpe and the Greens Senate leadership team approved of the move at the time it was taken.

Dutton claimed that his office had discussed the matter with the Parliamentary Workplace Support Service.

Van acknowledged that he would no longer sit in the party room in the Senate after Dutton’s declaration, but he also called for a probe into the allegations made against him.

He declared, “There should and must be an investigation into these outrageous claims in order to disprove them.”

“Senator Thorpe should follow suit, and I will fully cooperate with the investigators and respond to any questions they may have of me.”

Additionally, he reiterated his denial of Thorpe’s accusations against him.

A obviously upset Van added, “I have disclosed publicly that I relocated offices in response to a Senator Thorpe claim that I made her feel uncomfortable.

“That’s what I was asked. An accusation that I have always refuted. To ensure that there would be no misunderstanding, I consented to changing offices.

She didn’t allege any incidents.

“I vowed to safeguard myself from her irrational worries and ensure the efficient and orderly operation of the parliament.”

Thorpe told the Senate this afternoon that she had been “followed, aggressively propositioned, and inappropriately touched” in parliament after deleting her initial remarks about Van.

She also disclosed before the Senate that she had been cornered in a parliamentary stairwell by a guy, whom she declined to name.





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