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AustraliaIn a WA residence, a man was discovered dead with his hands...

In a WA residence, a man was discovered dead with his hands behind his back

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ

The grisly murder of a 45-year-old man, who was found bound inside his Lockridge home in Perth, is being investigated by homicide investigators.

The father of two is said to have had many head wounds, his wrists were chained behind his back, and he was wearing a mask over his face.

A concerned family member found his body, and what they saw shocked them.

Inspector Geoff DeSanges stated that “there are circumstances evident at the crime scene that give us rise to suspect that there was third party involvement.”

His ex-partner discovered the 45-year-old.

“I have seen him walking with his daughter down at the park and playing with his daughter if I’ve gone for a walk on my own, with my partner, and stuff,” said Marisha Taylor, a local.

“It is a bit of a shock to know that something like this has happened around here,” one person said. “We all walk around, do things, and it’s a family area, you know.”

The man was last seen alive on Sunday morning, and a homicide inquiry was launched after his body was discovered on Monday at around 4 p.m.

Today, a forensics team searched a house on Diana Crescent that is next to a daycare facility.

For days to come, detectives and forensics will be on-site.

The majority of today was devoted to officers searching the neighborhood for CCTV and the backyard of the residence.

We don’t think there is any ongoing risk to the community since “this does not appear to be a random incident,” DeSanges added.

Police said they don’t have any suspects at this time, but they have ruled out any connections to gang violence and don’t think the victim was already known to the police.

Anyone who witnessed anything between Sunday morning and Monday afternoon is asked to contact WA police.





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