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AustraliaKaty Gallagher acknowledges being aware of the Higgins claims but disputes deceiving...

Katy Gallagher acknowledges being aware of the Higgins claims but disputes deceiving the legislature

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ

Katy Gallagher, the federal finance minister, has acknowledged that she was aware of Brittany Higgins’ charges before they were made public, but she has denied misleading the legislature.

The opposition has accused Gallagher of misleading Parliament two years ago when she said that “no one had any knowledge” of Higgins’ allegations of rape against Bruce Lehrmann during a Senate estimates discussion on June 4, 2021.

During a brief press conference held today, Gallagher acknowledged communicating with Higgins’ partner David Sharaz.


Before Ms. Brittany Higgins decided to make the claims public, “I was aware of some allegations,” Gallagher said.

“Mr. Sharaz gave me some details. I was upfront about the fact that I did nothing with that knowledge at the time.

Gallagher, though, asserted that “this is completely without issue.”

The senator stated, “I was replying to a claim made by Minister Reynolds that we had known about this for weeks and had decided to weaponize it.

“That’s not accurate. Never was that the case.

She said that she was unaware of all of Higgins’ accusations.

Indigenous Affairs Minister Linda Burney applauded Gallagher in a morning interview with Today.

“I have known her for a very, very, very long time,” Burney added.

She is quite skilled. She possesses a very, very huge heart and is a woman of integrity.

Bruce Lehrmann, an ex-Liberal staff member, was on trial for allegedly sexually assaulting Higgins in a Parliament House office.

Due to misconduct by the jury, his trial was terminated, and prosecutors in Canberra decided against proceeding with a second trial due to worries for Higgins’ welfare.

Lehrmann, who has always maintained his innocence, was never found guilty.





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