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AustraliaA close-knit community is in "shock" after a horrific crash in rural...

A close-knit community is in “shock” after a horrific crash in rural Victoria left four teenagers dead and another in critical condition

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ

A close-knit community in Victoria’s south-west is still in “shock” following the weekend death of four adolescents in a horrific accident.

Another youngster is in critical condition in the hospital after their automobile collided with a tree along Wannon-Nigretta Falls Road outside of Bochara, close to Hamilton.

Around 9.30 on Saturday morning, a bystander discovered the wreckage and alerted the police.

According to police, two males and two females who have not yet been officially named all passed away at the scene.

A fifth girl was injured severely and rushed to the Alfred hospital, where she is still there and in critical condition.

The teens were locals, according to the police.

The incident was dubbed “horrific” by Southern Grampians Shire Council Mayor David Robertson.

According to him, “I think the community is still in shock at this time,” he said to Weekend Today.

Red gums line the 10-kilometer Wannon-Nigretta Falls Road, a single-car country road, according to Robertson.

To reach the well-known Wannon and Nigretta Falls, use the route.


“That road sees relatively little traffic. Three homes are within nine kilometers, according to Robertson.

The route is comparatively straight. There are a few sharp edges on it.

According to Robertson, the wreck may have been there for several hours.

It happened sometime between 4 and 9 am, and a driver found it by the side of the road.

“I think that is what the police are trying to piece together – the details of the accident,” the author said. “They could have been there for quite a while.”

While the detectives from the Major Collision Investigation Unit carry out their investigation, the area is still cordoned off and will remain closed.

There are five persons involved in this, and as their family and friends come to terms with that, the town will be severely impacted, according police Sergeant Ryan Nelson.

“There are a lot of people out there who are looking for answers, and we want to provide those answers for them.”

A rural community outside of Hamilton, Bochara is located around 312 kilometers southwest of Melbourne.





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