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AustraliaNoosa man meets with alleged victim, agrees to $25k compensation following alleged...

Noosa man meets with alleged victim, agrees to $25k compensation following alleged drunken rage in Indonesia

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ

After reaching a settlement with the family of his victim, an Australian man accused of going on a drunken, naked rampage in a conservative Indonesian state will be allowed to return home next month.

The 23-year-old Bodhi Mani Risby-Jones was taken into custody in late April close to a surf resort in Indonesia’s Aceh region, which upholds Islamic sharia law and forbids alcohol.

Police claimed that he assaulted numerous people, including a fisherman who required hospitalisation after suffering a major foot injury, while drinking vodka on the island.

If found guilty, he may spend up to 5 years behind bars.

But on Friday, in a reconciliation meeting arranged by the local prosecutors, Mr. Risby-Jones and the fisherman met face to face and decided to settle the dispute without going to court.

As he was led into the meeting, the Australian said it “feels good” to have a settlement.

“Finding a peace resolution has taken a long time, but now that we are there now it is good,” he remarked.

“Staying in an Indonesia cell for a month is hard on the body and for the mental [state], but considering everything, I think my health is doing good,” he stated during an interview while being held in handcuffs and being accompanied by police.

The compensation sum agreed upon by the two parties was 250 million rupiah ($A25,000), according to local authorities in Aceh, who did not reveal it. The money was handed out in cash on Friday.

An additional $5,000, according to a source, was already given to the fisherman’s family for medical expenses.

Mr. Edi Ron and his family have earned the gratitude of Bodhi’s family and friends, according to a statement from Andrea and Ben Risby-Jones.

After Mr. Risby-Jones acknowledged to hitting the fisherman, Edi Ron, during the rampage late last month, he is now healing from shattered bones, 50 stitches, and a nasty infection in his right foot.

His wife, Eri Saljuna, had earlier declared that she and her husband would be prepared to pardon the Australian if a peaceful resolution could be achieved.

The family of an Indonesian fisherman who was severely hurt by a 23-year-old Noosa man claims he will need care for months.

Mr. Ron had to be helped into the meeting because of his persistent foot injury, which Mr. Risby-Jones encountered on Friday.

In addition, Mr. Risby-Jones personally apologised to Mr. Ron’s wife, who received cash in the form of brown bags as part of the settlement agreement.

Through the interpreter he said, “I hope the money may be used to help you guys a lot.

“I’m so sorry once more, and I’m so glad you accepted my apologies. I’m grateful.

The Australian was told by Ms. Saljuna that “we are like family” now.

Please pray for my husband to recover like before and be able to work normally, she asked. “For the future, what [money] we have received from you would be useful,” she stated.

Along with paying damages, Mr. Risby-Jones and the Australian-run surf resort he was staying at will also be responsible for paying for the town’s purification ceremony, which will involve killing a cow.

In order to return Mr. Risby-Jones to Australia as quickly as possible, his family says they would work with Indonesian authorities in the future.

The Australian will remain in custody on the island of Simeulue for a further two weeks until higher ranking officials in Indonesia accept the agreement, which is only believed to be a formality.





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