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AustraliaSA's Attorney-General criticizes Tony Abbott for his views on the federal and...

SA’s Attorney-General criticizes Tony Abbott for his views on the federal and state voices

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ

Tony Abbott has come under fire for his remarks made on Monday on the idea of an Indigenous Voice in Parliament, according to South Australian Attorney-General Kyam Maher.

The Voice is a proposed government advisory body in Australia that would represent the opinions of people of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander descent.

According to Mr. Abbott, judgments made by a small segment of the population shouldn’t be given such weight.

If this referendum plan is approved, the federal government won’t be able to take any significant action without effectively obtaining Indigenous people’s approval.

According to him, what was proposed at the federal level was significantly less comprehensive than the South Australian Voice.

According to what I understand, state representatives will occasionally be allowed to address the parliament and once a year they could be able to speak with the appropriate ministries, Mr. Abbott added.

A law was approved establishing SA Voice to Parliament.

In the center of Adelaide’s central business district, South Australians assemble to witness history being made when the First Nations Voice to Parliament bill gets enacted.

He claimed that under the federal idea, the Voice would be able to speak with everyone on everything, and he predicted that this would result in a lot of litigation at the High Court.

Attorney-General of South Australia Kyam Maher stated today that he was “stunned” by Mr. Abbott’s remarks and described them as “complete, utter, and, in my opinion, purposefully misleading misinformation about the federal Voice.”

“It is completely misinformed, misguided, and he clearly doesn’t understand what we’ve done in South Australia,” said Mr. Maher.

“I think it’s a scare tactic, and I think it does Tony Abbott and the party he once represented absolutely no credit at all,” the author said.

According to Mr. Maher, the South Australian Voice is comparable to the federal Voice that is being considered, and it would enable an organization of Aboriginal people to advocate for themselves before executive government.

The South Australian Voice mandates two meetings with the cabinet and a Voice representative every year but does not grant veto power.

The referendum’s voting period is anticipated to last from October through December.





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