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Monday, 2025-3-3 23:0:8

AustraliaBefore the vote, the federal government starts an informational campaign about Voice...

Before the vote, the federal government starts an informational campaign about Voice to Parliament

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ

Prior to the vote, the federal government undertakes an information campaign about Voice to Parliament.

In preparation for the referendum on the Indigenous Voice to Parliament, the federal government has started a new educational programme.

The program’s goal is to enlighten Australians about the referendum proposal in an accurate manner. It will also direct viewers to Voice.gov.au, where they can get additional information prior to voting day, which is scheduled to take place between October and December this year.

In order to provide unbiased information about the Voice’s plan, the website and programme were created.

The 1999 referendum saw the use of a comparable impartial “civics” campaign.

Prior to the referendum on whether to establish a permanent independent advisory body called an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice, the government said it would not allocate any public cash to either the Yes or No campaigns.

It will be available in a number of languages and will be distributed through a range of mainstream and niche media, such as television and radio ads.

In order to “set the country up for this national conversation before election day,” according to Minister for Indigenous Australians Linda Burney, it was a crucial step.

“All Australians need to be well-informed and have access to a reliable source of information as they consider the proposal to amend the Constitution to recognise the First Peoples of Australia through a referendum.”

Along with funding the website and programme, the government has also given the Museum of Australian Democracy $475,000 and the Constitution Education Fund Australia $1 million to develop more general content and information about the Constitution and the referendum process.

The government claims the groups would cooperate to create a “grassroots civic programme” that includes simple explanations of what voters can anticipate when they cast ballots later this year.

This is a portion of a larger civics education programme for the referendum that includes investments from the Constitution Education Fund Australia and the Museum of Australian Democracy, according to Mr. Burney.





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