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AustraliaSome Queensland youngsters are "welcoming" their stay in juvenile correctional facilities

Some Queensland youngsters are “welcoming” their stay in juvenile correctional facilities

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ

The teenage crime issue engulfing Queensland is frequently cited as justification for spending more time in prison.

But rather than deterring potential criminals, some teenagers are looking forward to their time in juvenile jail.

The worst juvenile criminals, such as repeat car thieves, home invaders, violent offenders, and murderers, are housed at the state’s three adolescent correctional facilities.

Each junior prisoner is housed in an own cell with a bed, desk, shower, and toilet for up to 13 hours each day.

There are repeat burglars, homicidal individuals, violent criminals, and even murderers.

They receive daily education and three square meals.

Lessons taught in prisons and other educational programmes are all intended to steer young people away from a life of crime.

They are literally instructed on what they may and cannot do. It’s quite regimented,” said Michael Drane, director of the juvenile prison centre.

Giving children the abilities to go on a meaningful life path has the most impact on their propensity for reoffending, according to Katherine Hayes, CEO of the Youth Advocacy Centre.

The average age inside is 16, but the literacy and math skills are those of an eighth-grader.

Because of how intensive the programme is, “it’s not uncommon for them to achieve years’ worth of attainment in the space of months,” Drane added.

There are tasks like cleaning, but no heavy exertion is required. There are recreation and fitness options instead.

As you might expect, normal adolescents need to release some energy, Drane remarked.

Therefore, there may be occasional basketball or touch football matches, but that is about all.

However, there is frequently greater alone time due to a staffing deficit at prisons around the state.

According to Hayes, “the centres are not regularly fully staffed.”

“When that occurs, they are placed in lockdown, kept in their cells, and denied education.”

Within a year of being released, 80% of kids are back in the system.

Professor Tamara Walsh stated that “we need to ask some very difficult questions.”

What is it about life in a prison that is superior to life outside?

They have three meals daily and sleep in their own beds.

Many of them lack these characteristics on the outside.

According to experts, studies have shown that having access to safe housing, healthcare, and education outside of prison significantly lowers the likelihood of repeat offences.

Walsh stated, “We need to meet children’s basic needs if we want them to cease committing crimes.






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